Caregivers Share Your Stories

Calling all caregivers. At one time or another, each of us has cared for a loved one or paid special attention to ourselves. Nurses Week is next week, an appropriate time for a program at Palos Heights Library that honors all caregivers.
From the library’s newsletter: Caregivers Share Your Stories – Wednesday, May 9 at 6:30pm
Everyone has been a caregiver to someone at some point in their lives. Meet with retired nurse and author, Lois Roelofs as she explains the process of writing your story. If you’ve already written about your experiences, bring it to share with others. If not, time will also be given to begin writing down your thoughts. Individual readings will be limited to 3 minutes per person. Time for feedback and discussion will follow.
Marv helping others while on a New England tour
Come, write, share! Or just listen. I hope to see some of you there.
Palos Heights Public Library
12501 – South 71st Street
Palos Heights, IL, 60463
Phone: 708-448-1473

2 thoughts on “Caregivers Share Your Stories

  1. Putting things in black and white is very valuable. I’m in tech R&D and when we’re deciding what to build, we often work out the value of a feature by writing a story about the problem the feature is supposed to solve.

    I have found that virtually all caregiver burn out/compassion fatigue writing actually is useless because they don’t say much other than ‘Cope better by coping better’. The reason why almost all articles are useless is because the caregiver is essentially a fire fighter and not a problem solver.

    Hence, my own efforts in writing about it are action oriented. Of course, I’m a technocrat and so of course that’s what I’ll do.

    Thanks again for your comment on my blog.


    1. I like the idea of writing to problem solve. I’ve done that already to “write through” to “write to” the other side. On the other hand, it is so true about the nature of careging that it’s a lot of putting out fires. And trying to stay ahread of the next fire. Keep up your good work in sharing what works for you.


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