Life at 82: Q is for Quote

After posting a few quotes on Life this past week that are newly meaningful to me, I naturally thought of using Quote for the letter Q. That brought me to a favorite Biblical quote that also refers to our lives.

Background: In my graduate research, I studied the meaning of leisure for older persons. I was attracted to attend a conference on Christianity and leisure to learn the connection. I’d read literature from several disciplines about leisure and wanted to hear what the presenters at this conference would have to share.

I soon learned that the word “leisure” is not used in the Bible. And that the closest reference would be Psalm 46:10 that says, “Be still and know that I am God.”

Leisure can be defined as time, activity, or experience, the latter being closest to the “be still” in the Bible. Roughly summarized from my dissertation, leisure as experience is the classical view and dates to ancient Greece. Aristotle defined leisure as “a state of being or mind free from the necessity to labor…”

In my words, quiet your mind and become aware of and appreciate the presence of God.

Since that time of study, over thirty years ago, this text has been one of my favorite Biblical quotes. I once attended a home party given by one of my daughter’s acquaintances who sold faith-based products. I spotted a necklace that said “Be still,” and I had to have it. It’s a quiet constant reminder of Psalm 46:10.

And a more recent visible reminder—since Marv died, when I came home from one of my trips, as usual my daughter picked me up from the airport. I came into my house and found a present waiting. From my daughter. I opened it. Tears formed. I was surprised she remembered my love for this quote. “When in the world did you get this?”

“A couple of months ago. I’ve been waiting for a good time to give it to you.”

I hung it on my bathroom wall. It’s the first thing I see in the morning. It’s a comforting reminder as I start my day! A reminder of what’s important as live my life.

9 thoughts on “Life at 82: Q is for Quote

  1. Duard Warsen

    Along that same idea we have the following words above our living room doorway so one does look up to read it: The memory of God comes to the quiet mind. It’s a great reminder.

    Liked by 1 person

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